Literary Arts (May 2016)

The Assessment of Literal Ornaments in Persian Badi’ Books from the linguistic, Phonetic and Phonologic Viewpoint

  • Morteza Heidari

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 79 – 100


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AbstractThe literal rhetoric (scheme) is a most important branch of Persian language aesthetics. The purpose of the knowledge is studying and evaluating the verbal music with applying the instruments that called Ornaments. Ornament as is obvious from its name is all devices that writers using them for making their art fine. With historical skimming over Badi` books, we understand our rhetoricians have gave and dedicated useless names and titles to the literal ornaments rather than analyzing the musical beauties of language. The author has used a historical method and content analysis approach in his research. The sampling kind in this research is stratified sampling; i.e. the Persian Badi` books and linguistic and phonetic books from two old and new classes with regarding indicative criteria have been analyzed. The author’s essential problem in this article is replying to the question:How the literal ornaments can be analyzed with scientific and measurable principles?In this article the ornaments below are evaluated:Movashshah, Moamma, Mosahhaf, Khifa, Motazalzel, Raqta, Mo`jam, Tanafor, Hazf, Moqatta`, Movassal, Vase` osh-shafatayn, Vasel osh-shafatayn, Heja, Touzi` (Tekrar) (Hamhorufi, Hamsedayi, Tekrar-e Heja), The natural relationship between letters and words with theme of poem.The author has reported his findings in below items:1.     The impact of Arabic language and its phonetic rules in Persian Badi` books is very remarkable and sometimes caused faults of Persian writers.2.     The examples that mentioned as samples of literal ornaments are very rare and exceptional.3.     The musical repetition of phonemes and sounds and the concepts associated from them is the only reason of beauty of literal ornaments.4.     In translating the foreign ornaments to Persian has not been used enough accuracy.5.     Occasionally, in explaining the repetition ornament the phonetic and syllabic structure of Persian language has not been the analytic basis. 6.     Exploiting linguistics and phonetics provide the necessary criteria for scientific evaluation of literal ornaments. References1.     Abu Ali Sina (1984). 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