Радиационная гигиена (Jun 2023)
Prospects of provision of radiation safety from natural sources of ionizing exposure on the new territories of the Russian Federation
This study is aimed at the analysis of perspectives of provision of radiation safety from natural sources of ionizing exposure on the territories included into the Russian Federation in 2022. The study contains comparison of the requirements of legislative acts and regulations on the radiation safety that were active in 4 new subjects of the Russian Federation (Donetsk and Lugansk republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions) on the time of their integration with their Russian equivalents. The results indicate the lack of harmonization between acting radiation safety sanitary acts of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine with recommendations of the international organizations. The study contains results of the surveys on the exposure of the public of the Donbass republics and Zoporozhye region by natural sources of ionizing exposure, analysis of the perspectives of the provision of radiation safety of the public of these regions and the Kherson region. Additionally the study includes the evaluation of the existing legislative base on the protection from natural sources of ionizing exposure in the Russian Federation and perspectives of harmonization with the recommendations of international organizations.