Movimento (Jan 2002)

Percepções de Competência e Desenvolvimento Motor de meninos e meninas: um estudo transversal

  • Nadia Cristina Valentini

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2
pp. 51 – 62


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The objectives ofthis study were to (1) determine gender and age differences for perceived physical competence and motor performance, and (2) exam the relationship between perceived physical competence and actual motor skill competence in children. Children (N=88) individually completed the Harter andPike (1984) Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance. The subject's actual motor skill performance was measured by using Ulrich's (1985) Test ofGross Motor Development. The results suggested that: (1) boys and girls at different age group showed similar perceptions of competence, however were not precise about these perceptions; (2) older children showed a better locomotor performance, but a simi- lar object control performance when compared to younger children; (3) boys and girls had a similar locomotor performance, however boys were superior on the object control performance when compared to girls; (4) actual motor performance is not apredictor of perceived competence. Movement instruction and opportunities are criticai for motor development and realistic perceptions of competence.