Oñati Socio-Legal Series (Jul 2024)

Councils and forums for participation in social services

  • Noemi Bergantiños,
  • Amaia García Andrés,
  • Ainhoa Berasaluze Correa,
  • Nerea Zubillaga Herran

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 4


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This study seeks to understand the perceptions of professionals in a specific area of public administration such as social services, on one of the most common and widespread participation mechanisms: consultative councils and forums. More precisely, those constituted at municipal level in the Basque social services system. A mixed methodology was used. On the one hand, a qualitative approach by means of 15 in-depth interviews with different professional profiles with extensive knowledge of the Basque social services system. On the other hand, a total of 65 surveys were carried out with social workers from local councils and social entities involved in the provision of social services. The results show a negative view of these devices, evidencing a rather symbolic character. However, the testimonies allow us to understand the relevance that different professionals attach to the participatory dimension of social services.
