Journal of Law and Legal Reform (Apr 2021)

Subjective Well Being with Antisocial Behavior in Adolescents Case of Babalan Village Wedung Demak (A Criminological Perspective)

  • Muhammad Imam Munawar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2
pp. 157 – 164


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This research aims to determine the relationship between subjective well being antisocial behavior towards adolescents. The hypothesis proposed is that there is a negative relationship between the welfare of the subject with antisocial behavior is the higher or positive well-being of the subjective, the lower the antisocial behavior of adolescents who live in the village Babalan Wedung Demak or vice versa. The subjects of the study were teenagers residing in Babalan Wedung Demak village. Sampling technique in this research by using random sampling. The measuring instrument used is the scale of subjective well-being and the scale of antisocial behavior residing in the Babalan Wedung Demak area. The data in the analysis using Product Moment Pearson correlation. Based on the analysis of Product Moment Pearson obtained rxy = -0.252 with a significance of 0.008 (p <0.01) means there is a negative relationship between the subjective well being with antisocial behavior is the higher or positive well being of the subjective than the lower antisocial behavior of adolescents residing in the village Babalan Wedung Demak. The lower or negative the well-being of the subjective, the higher the antisocial behavior in adolescents who live in Babalan Wedung Demak village. Based on the results of the analysis is also known variable well-being subjective has empirical average subjective scores on the scale of the well-being of the subject 34.51 and while the hypothetic score of 32.5. This shows that the subjective well-being in this study has a moderate average.
