Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan (Oct 2016)
This study was conducted to determine the factors that influence the acceptance of nurse preparedness in implementing a computer-based nursing documentation in the RSI using models Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study was a survey research design using descriptive cross-sectional explanatory. The variables studied consisted of perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude towards use (ATU) and behavioral intention (BI). The population of this study was 70 respondents of samples. The data were analyzed by using Excel 2010 software and Partial Least Square using Smart PLS 2.0. The descriptive analysis resulted the value of the mean, median, and mode for all variables are positive with values in the range of 4—7, except for the mean value of the variable BI 2.5. The outer test showed that the result of value model Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity is valid and reliable. The inner models test results showed the t - table criteria of 1.67 (α = 0.05 and DF = 66). The PEU positively and significantly influence PU of 0.78. Therefore, the first hypothesis is proven. The T - statistic PEU towards ATU is 0.62 and the parameter coefficients are 0.06, meaning that there is no significant effect between PEU to the ATU. Thus, the second hypothesis is rejected. The PU significantly and positively influences ATU as much as 0.79. Thus, the third hypothesis is accepted. The PU positively and significantly affects BI as much as 0.37 and the fourth hypothesis is accepted. The ATU influence on BI is significant and positive at 0.36. Therefore, the fifth hypothesis is accepted. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kesiapan penerimaan perawat melaksanakan pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan berbasis komputer di RSI dengan menggunakan model Technologie Acceptance Model (TAM). Desain penelitian menggunakan rancangan riset survei dekskriptif eksplanatori dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Variabel yang diteliti terdiri atas perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude towards use (ATU) dan behavior intention (BI). Populasi berjumlah 70 responden dan semuanya dijadikan sampel (total sampling). Analisa data secara deskriptif dengan piranti lunak excel 2010 dan secara analitik dengan Partial Least Square menggunakan Smart PLs 2.0. Hasil penelitian didapatkan secara deskriptif nilai mean, median, dan mode untuk semua variabel berada pada rentang positif dengan nilai 4—7, kecuali nilai mean variabel BI 2,5. Hasil uji Outer Model nilai Convergent Validity dan Discriminant Validity semua indikator valid dan reliabel. Hasil uji Inner Model dengan kriteria t-tabel 1,67 (α = 0,05 dan DF = 66). PEU berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap PU sebesar 0,78. Hipotesis pertama diterima. T-statistik PEU terhadap ATU adalah 0,62 dan koefisien parameter 0,06, artinya tidak ada pengaruh secara signifikan antara PEU terhadap ATU dan hipotesis kedua ditolak. PU berpengaruh signifikan dan positif sebesar 0,79 terhadap ATU dan hipotesis ketiga diterima. PU positif dan signifikan memengaruhi BI sebesar 0,37 dan hipotesis keempat diterima. Pengaruh ATU terhadap BI signifikan dan positif sebesar 0,36 dan hipotesis kelima diterima.