Aksioma: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika (Mar 2023)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pengembangan produk alur belajar barisan dan deret berbasis Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan kombinasi model pengembangan Plomp dan Gravemeijer & Cobb. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan dimana masih banyaknya siswa terkendala belajar matematika dan menyelesaikan permasalahan sehari-hari matematika serta masih kurangnya guru membuat alur belajar berbasis masalah yang dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa khususnya di Pasaman barat. Pada penelitian ini dilaksanakan uji validasi oleh ahli matematika, ahli bahasa dan ahli teknologi pendidikan serta uji kelayakan produk oleh guru dan siswa. Instrument pengumpulan data berupa lembar validasi, observasi, wawancara, angket dan catatan lapangan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan teknik deskriptif. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh data validasi para ahli 0,77 dengan kriteria “valid” dan indeks Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) 0,54 kategori sedang. Sedangkan untuk buku guru diperoleh data validasi 0,75 kategori “valid” dan indeks ICC 0,72 kategori sedang. Validasi para ahli untuk buku siswa 0,77 dengan kategori “valid” dan indeks ICC 0,68 kategori sedang. Uji kelayakan produk oleh siswa (kelompok kecil) 80,91 % dengan kategori “praktis”dan uji kelayakan kelompok besar 82,71% dengan kriteria kriteria “praktis”. This study aims to determine the product development process for sequences and series based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). This development research uses a combination of the Plomp and Gravemeijer & Cobb development models. This research was carried out based on the results of a preliminary study where there were still many students who were constrained by learning mathematics and solving everyday math problems and there was still a lack of teachers making problem-based learning paths that were close to students' daily lives, especially in West Pasaman. In this study, validation tests were carried out by mathematicians, linguists and educational technologists as well as product feasibility tests by teachers and students. Data collection instruments were validation sheets, observations, interviews, questionnaires and field notes. Data analysis used is descriptive statistics and descriptive techniques. From the results of the analysis, the expert validation data was 0.77 with the criteria of "valid" and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) index was 0.54 in the moderate category. As for the teacher's book, the validation data was 0.75 in the "valid" category and the ICC index was 0.72 in the moderate category. Expert validation for student books is 0.77 in the "valid" category and the ICC index is 0.68 in the moderate category. Product feasibility test by students (small group) 80.91% with the "practical" category and large group feasibility test 82.71% with "practical" criteria.