Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes (Nov 2020)

6 voices in 10 minutes: Strategies of Group Therapeutic Education

  • Eva López González

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 54, no. 3Sup
pp. 17 – 17


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6 voices in 10 minutes: Experiences in education in Argentina Strategies of Group Therapeutic Education The therapeutic education in Diabetes is an intervention that involves active participation of the patient in self-control and decision making with the acquisition of knowledge and skills. For the learning process, it is necessary to take educational, psychological and behavioral interventions, with a variety of learning methods. Group education favors the interchange of experiences, emulation, interaction, coexistence between peers. It stimulates the learning processes and it must include the resolution to problematic situations and stress and anxiety management. It generates an exponential learning. The educator must establish a relationship based on trust and collaboration, identify strategies to help modify habits, and prevent complications. Most of the international guidelines recommend group therapeutic education with an individual complement. It is also important to incorporate ICT tools (Information Communication Technology) such as monitoring and self-care strategies through email, WhatsApp and educational videos, among others.
