Teanga: The Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (Jun 2021)
The idea for this Special Issue arose from a transdisciplinary conference entitled ‘(dis)Covering Discourses’ which was held at University College Cork in 2018. The aim was to bring together scholars spanning a multiplicity of disciplines who, in their research, apply discursive methods and ‒ as the spelling indicates ‒ by doing so, aim to (dis)cover, in both senses of the word, discourses. In the first instance, (dis)covering was considered a process of finding or coming across something unexpectedly. Approaching it from the second perspective, and even more saliently, the implication turned towards the process of discovering as bringing something to light, so to speak, as a task of uncovering. A broad range of researchers from various fields such as Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, Social Studies, Sociology, Government and Politics, Economy, Clinical Therapies and Media Studies answered our call. They succeeded in shedding light on themes such as Politics, Class, Gender, Health, Identity, Institutions, Knowledge, Economy, Migration, Multilingualism, Social Media, Space and Violence. What all the researchers and the papers shared was their methodological approach and their common interest in Discourse Analysis: each employing methods of Discourse Analysis / Critical Discourse Analysis from their own disciplinary perspectives.