Sahel Medical Journal (Jan 2011)

Obstructed labour: A public health problem in Sokoto, Nigeria

  • El Nwobodo,
  • Y Ahmed

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 3
pp. 140 – 142


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Background : Obstructed labour, a rare event in developed countries, is a common obstetric problem ki developing countries like Nigeria. It remains one of the leading causes of maternal death in the country. Methods : A retrospective review of all cases of obstructed labour managed at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto between January 2009 and December 2010 was carried out with the aim of determining the incidence, risk factors, causes, mode of delivery and complications associated with the condition. Results : One hundred and twenty one cases of obstructed labour was managed out of a total of 594V deliveries in the health institution giving an obstructed labour incidence of 2.0% or 1 in 49 deliveries. TrW associated risk factors included illiteracy(98.3%), lack of prenatal care(97.5%), primigravidity(36.3%) and grandmultiparity(26.5%). The leading cause of the condition was cephalopelvic disproportion(78.5%) whibe the commonest mode of delivery was lower segment caesarean section(65.3%). Perinatal death(55.4%>, wound infection(31.4%), puerperal sepsis(26.4%) and ruptured uterus(21.5%) were the most commo® complications. The maternal mortality was 8,264/100000 births. Conclusion : Obstructed labour is relatively common in the health institution and is associated with higy maternal and perinatal mortality. Measures to reduce the its incidence will include health education of th% populace on the importance of prenatal care/ hospital delivery and utilization of available family planning services. In addition, the primary health care providers and traditional birth attendants should be educated on need for prompt referral of abnormal labour.
