Zhongguo youzhi (Sep 2022)
脱脂核桃蛋白粉制备工艺优化及其氨基酸组成Optimization of preparation of defatted walnut protein powder and its amino acid composition
为获得最佳的制备脱脂核桃蛋白粉的原料,分别以核桃仁和核桃饼为原料,制备脱脂核桃蛋白粉,利用正交实验优化脱脂核桃蛋白粉的制备工艺条件,并测定了脱脂核桃蛋白粉的氨基酸组成。结果表明:脱脂核桃蛋白粉最佳制备工艺条件为以核桃仁为原料、料液比1∶ 20、超声功率400 W、超声时间90 min、提取次数2次,在最佳条件下脱脂核桃蛋白粉的脱脂率为99.38%,蛋白质分散指数(PDI)为14.88%;通过与FAO/WHO推荐氨基酸摄入组成比较发现,脱脂核桃蛋白粉能基本满足成人的需求,部分满足2~5岁儿童的需求。以核桃仁为原料,可以得到高脱脂率和高PDI的脱脂核桃蛋白粉,且脱脂核桃蛋白粉是具有较高营养价值的植物蛋白源 In order to obtain the optimal material for preparing defatted walnut protein powder,the defatted walnut protein powder was prepared using walnut kernel and walnut cake as raw materials. The preparation process of defatted walnut protein powder was optimized by orthogonal experiment, and the amino acid composition of defatted walnut protein powder was determined. The results showed that the optimal preparation conditions were obtained as follows: with walnut kernel as a raw material, solid-liquid ratio 1∶ 20, ultrasonic power 400 W, ultrasonic time 90 min and extraction times twice. Under the optimal conditions, the defatting rate was 99.38% and the PDI of defatted walnut protein powder was 14.88%. Compared with the intake amino acid composition recommended by FAO/WHO, the defatted walnut protein powder could basically meet the needs of adults and partially meet the needs of children aged 2-5. Using walnut kernel as a raw material, defatted walnut protein powder with high defatting rate and PDI can be obtained,and the defatted walnut protein powder is a vegetable protein source with high nutritional value.