HYBRIS: Revista de Filosofía (May 2016)
The milieu and the security apparatuses: consideration from the foucaultian think
The essay has the intention to explore the relation established by Michel Foucault between the milieu, the security apparatuses and the population. Elements that can be annexed or circumscribed in the biopower exercise of Modernity. To expose the relation of this elements we can ask for the existence of the organism or the living in his milieu, which involves knowing the emergence of milieu concept and, at the same time, knowing how occurs the epistemological unlocking in the transit from mechanics to biology and the literature, to be situated in architecture. Once known the milieu’s history can be discussed the general idea that the living, in this case the human, identified as homo faber, transforms his milieu in an unidirectional way, whereupon opposed the thesis that the human to transform his milieu, making artificial, is affected by this artificiality. For this affectation, the human over his milieu and vice versa, set the importance to draw upon a theory of the milieu in relation with the security apparatuses and with bio-power