IEEE Access (Jan 2020)
OOS-SSS: An Efficient Online/Offline Subtree-Based Short Signature Scheme Using Chebyshev Chaotic Maps for Wireless Sensor Network
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network system that involves spatially distributed devices such as wireless sensor nodes. As the data collected by the sensor nodes and transmitted through WSNs are mostly sensitive, confidential, or personal data, secure information transmission is a critical challenge, and one of the most significant security requirements is authentication. The digital signature plays a key role in ensuring data integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. In this article, we shall present an efficient, high security level online/offline subtree-based short signature scheme (OOS-SSS) using Chebyshev chaotic maps for WSN fuzzy user data sharing over a Galois field. The proposed scheme is secure in an environment of random oracle unforgeability under chosen message attack (UF-SBSS-CMA). Notably, our new design has made multiple-time usage of offline storage possible, enabling the signer to reuse offline pre-info in polynomial time instead of having only one single attempt as in the currently available online/offline signing schemes. In addition, based on our OOS-SSS design, we can build up an aggregation scheme for wireless sensor network settings. Also, the proposed scheme can be extended with some applications attached to it to allow users to register messages and implement them on WSN. Lastly, our performance comparison reveals that the proposed scheme has the lowest computational cost among six competing schemes.