PLoS ONE (Jan 2020)
Proficiency based progression simulation training significantly reduces utility strikes; A prospective, randomized and blinded study.
OBJECTIVES:We evaluated a simulation-based training curriculum with quantitatively defined performance benchmarks for utility workers location and excavation of utility services. BACKGROUND:Damaging buried utilities is associated with considerable safety risks to workers and substantial cost to employers. METHODS:In a prospective, randomized and blinded study we assessed the impact of Proficiency Based Progression (PBP) simulation training on the location and excavation of utility services work. RESULTS:PBP simulation training reduced performance errors (33%, p = 0.006) in comparison a standard trained group. When implemented across all workers in the same division there was a 35-61% reduction in utility strikes (p = 0.028) and an estimated cost saving of £116,000 -£2,175,000 in the 12 months (47,000 work hours) studied. CONCLUSIONS:The magnitude of the training benefit of PBP simulation training in the utilities sector appears to be the same as it is in surgery, cardiology and procedure-based medicine. APPLICATION:Quality-assured utility worker simulation training significantly reduces utility damage and associated costs.