Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация (Sep 2020)
The Main Value Vectors of Solidarity of LGBTQ+ Scene with Other Activist Groups
The conservative ideology influences the life scenario of LGBTQ+ people by pushing them out of the public sphere and controlling the private sphere of their lives. At the same time, over the past three years, online projects about and for LGBTQ+ people and communities have been actively developing, gaining popularity and support. LGBTQ+ scene is a decentralized space of various initiatives, organizations, and independent activists. The participants of the scene are fighting against gender and sexual-based discrimination by organizing protests, educational projects, and other activities. The empirical basis of the study is 20 interviews involving LGBTQ people.The LGBTQ+ scene is constituted through a reflexive, often conflicting discussion of issues that have fundamental importance for the community such as status of sexuality, public actions, power, and hierarchy, as well as new sexual and gender identities.The person engaging in activism on an individual level not only chooses a form of participation (professional work, volunteering, or independent activity), but also the direction of activity within the community or outside it. The core of the scene is set by active individuals and groups, the periphery and borders are supported by passive participants and opponents of the LGBTQ+ scene. The article examines the relationship of solidarity of LGBTQ + scene participants with other initiatives, or rather, what values serve as the basis for the formation of intergroup solidarity.