Jurnal Delima Harapan (Apr 2018)

The difference knowledge about hand wash before and after counselling at student Class VII MTS Darul Huda Ponorogo

  • Hariyanto Hariyanto,
  • Bunga Panjani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
pp. 79 – 88


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The health and hand cleanliness can prevent micro organism infectious and decrease nosoc mial infectious frequency. However, some people don’t wash their correctly before doing activities. The research method which was pre experimental design. The total population was 461 students. The sample size was 198 students with proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The research was done by scoring, with value knowledge of student about hand wash, then given counseling about hand wash and retesting students’ knowledge about hand wash. hipotesis tested by paired t-tes statistical test by significance level p<0.05. Based on the research result it was gotten the knowledge before counseling about hand wash, which was a good knowledgeable as many as 31 (15.7%), respondents who were knowledgeable enough as many as 65 (32.8%) and respondents who had less knowledge as many as 102 (51.5.%) and after counseling about hand wash, which knowledgeable was as many as 194 (98%) and respondent which knowledgeable enough was as many as 4 (2.0%). The score of statistic test was significance 0.000<0.005. it means there was different knowledge student about hand wash in MTS Darul Huda Ponorogo. There was different knowledge’s student and the average knowledge will be better, researchers suggested to students to apply hand wash in daily activity.
