Data in Brief (Apr 2018)

Methylation profile of induced pluripotent stem cells generated by integration and integration-free approaches

  • Rinat Sultanov,
  • Olga Lebedeva,
  • Georgij Arapidi,
  • Maria Lagarkova,
  • Sergei Kiselev

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17
pp. 662 – 666


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The genetic reprogramming technology allows generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from somatic cells (Takahashi and Yamanaka, 2006) [1]. iPSCs have the ability to self-renew, and to differentiate into any type of somatic cells, and are considered as a promising tool for drug development, disease modeling, and regenerative medicine. The reprogramming factors (oct4, sox2, klf4, c-myc) can be delivered to the cell nucleus either by vectors integrating into the genome (lentiviruses, retroviruses) or by non-integrative methods (e.g., plasmids, Sendai virus, synthetic mRNAs and recombinant proteins). To evaluate the contribution of the reprogramming process isogenic system should be utilized (Shutova et al., 2016) [2]. Isogenic iPSC lines, obtained in different ways can serve the ideal system to investigate DNA methylation changes. The data presented in this article report methylation profiles for iPSC lines derived from fibroblasts of a healthy donor and PARK8-associated Parkinson's disease patient via integrating (lentiviral transfection) and non-integrating (Sendai virus infection) reprogramming using an Illumina 450K Methylation BeadChip platform. The data on DNA methylation of neurons differentiated from iPSC lines are also provided here. Keywords: Induced pluripotent stem cells, Illumina 450К Methylation BeadChip, DNA methylation, Sendai virus reprogramming, Lentiviral reprogramming