Aksis: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (Dec 2018)


  • Juanda Juanda

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2
pp. 165 – 189


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Environmental damage on earth is at a critical level. Climate change, disaster, pollution, and animal hunting continue to occur without realizing that humans are part of their lives. The purpose of this research, first, is to explore the form of imagination of Indonesian story writer with the theme of environment. Second, to analyze the ecocritical element that is reflected by the author through short story weekly newspaper in Indonesia. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The approach this research used is Garrard's ecocritical approach. The data source consists of three short stories, namely, "In the Seine Lamenting of Citarum Rivers", Go to the Hill, and Leaves, Trees and Petrichor. Data analysis begins by marking words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that have the focus of environmental exploitation. The results showed in short story weekly newspaper, Indonesia the author reflects the environmental phenomenon that includes water pollution, forest destruction, natural disaster in the form of landscapes in the hills of gold mines. Exploitation of nature that brings casualties. Environmental phenomena contained in the short story focuses on pollution, wilderness, natural disasters, settlements, animals, and the earth. Keywords: ecocritism, short story, environmental exploitation Abstrak Kerusakan lingkungan di bumi berada pada tingkat yang kritis. Perubahan iklim, bencana, polusi, dan perburuan hewan terus terjadi tanpa disadari bahwa manusia sebagai bagian daripada kehidupan mereka. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini, pertama, mengeksplorasi bentuk pengimajian pengarang cerpen Indonesia yang bertemakan lingkungan. Kedua, menganalisis unsur ekokritik yang direfleksikan pengarang melalui cerpen Koran Minggu Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.pendekatanyang digunakan adalah pendekatan ekokritik Garrard. Sumber data terdiri atas tiga cerpen, yakni, “Di Seine Meratapi Citarum”, Pergi ke Bukit, dan Daun, Pohon dan Petrichor. Analisis data dimulai dengan menandai kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat yang memiliki fokus eksploitasilingkungan. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan dalam cerpen Koran Mingguan Indonesia, pengarang merefleksikan fenomena lingkungan yang meliputi pencemaran air, perusakan hutan, bencana alam berupa longsor di bukit tambang emas. Eksploitasi alam yang membawa korban jiwa. Fenomena lingkungan yang terdapat dalam cerpen tersebut berfokus padapolusi, hutan belantara, bencana alam, pemukiman, hewan, dan bumi. Kata kunci: ekokritik, cerpen,eksploitasi lingkungan.
