Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Dec 2011)
臺灣刑事DNA資料庫現況調查研究―以個人資訊隱私保障為中心 An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Criminal DNA Database: Focusing on Information Privacy Issues
臺灣自 1999 年制定公布「去氧核醣核酸採樣條例」後,已逐步建置刑事DNA 資料庫。然而,該資料庫自設置以來,運作狀況的透明度,顯較歐美國家遜色,國內學界至今也未對此一資料庫的運作進行有系統的調查與研究。本研究擬以深度訪談的方式,仔細探究臺灣刑事DNA 資料庫自DNA 樣本採集、樣本分析、樣本及紀錄儲存,以及資料庫查詢及運用等過程的實務運作情況。希望當吾人面對是否應修法擴大DNA 採樣對象等重大議題時,能有一致、客觀與明確的討論基礎,以利作成正確的決策。 Since the promulgation of the Compulsory DNA Sampling Act in 1999 (the “Act”), Taiwan has established its criminal DNA database. However, so far, no one from the academia has conducted any systematic review or study on the database, and its operation is not as transparent as its counterparts in the United States and United Kingdom. This paper intends to thoroughly explore the current status of the database, from DNA sampling to DNA sample analysis to the storage of DNA samples and records, and to inquiry methodology on the database and application thereof by means of in-depth interviews with persons who have first-hand knowledge regarding the daily operation of the database. The results of this paper will hopefully provide an objective and clear basis for future discussion of important database policies, such as whether we should amend the Act to extend the manda-tory sampling requirement to include a broader range of offenders, among other important issues.