Laboratorio dell'ISPF (Dec 2018)

«… scribendi elementa percurrere». Per un nuovo contributo al­l’interpretazione del periodo giovanile vichiano dalle Orazioni inaugurali al De ratione.

  • Giuseppe MORO

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XV, no. 7


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[«... scribendi elementa percurrere». For a new contribution to the interpretation of the young Vico from the Inaugural Orationsto the De ratione]. In this paper the author analyzes the context of Vico’s early works with the aim to achieve a twofold goal. The first one, considering the studies of Nicola Badaloni and Biagio de Giovanni, is to show in relation to which aspects Vico’s thought changed in the period between the first group of orations (1699-1708) and the publication of De nostri temporis ratione studiorum (1709). The second one is to analyze the VI Oration and some texts of De ratione, in order to demonstrate that the connection between oratory and writing is theoretically crucial in order to understand the development of Vico’s philosophy.
