Cancer Management and Research (Oct 2023)
NPTX1 Promotes Metastasis via Integrin/FAK Signaling in Gastric Cancer [Retraction]
Yan HF, Zheng CL, Li Z, et al. Cancer Manag Res. 2019;11:3237-3251. We, the Editors and Publisher of Cancer Management and Research, have retracted the following article. Concerns were raised about the integrity of the data in the article following the author’s request to make a correction. It was found images from several figures within the article had been duplicated. Specifically, The image for Figure 2C, Migration, SNU216, Si1 has been duplicated with the image for Figure 2C, Invasion, SNU216, Si1. The western blot bands for Figure 2B, SNU216, GAPDH, have been duplicated with the image for Figure 4B, BGC823, GAPDH. The image for Figure S3D, Collagen, 30 minutes, OE, has been duplicated with the image for Figure S3D, Collagen, 60 minutes, NC. When approached for an explanation, the authors were cooperative and provided original data for their study. However, the provided data did not satisfactorily explain how the duplication of these images occurred and was unable to alleviate the journal’s concerns regarding the validity of the findings. As verifying the validity of published work is core to the integrity of the scholarly record, we are therefore retracting the article and the authors do not agree with the retraction. We have been informed in our decision-making by our editorial policies and COPE guidelines. The retracted article will remain online to maintain the scholarly record, but it will be digitally watermarked on each page as ‘Retracted’.