Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki (Jan 2016)
Organizacja żywienia przez uczestników niezorganizowanych wyjazdów turystycznych
The aim of the survey was to analyze the ways of organizing the nutrition by people participating in non-organized tourist and leisure trips. The survey was carried out in October 2014, using questionnaire method, on a sample of 367 respondents aged 15 years and older. It was found that nearly half of respondents prepared meals mostly or exclusively on their own; a quarter of the respondents cooked by themselves and used food services roughly in a similar proportion; and another quarter ate meals mostly or exclusively in food service locals. There have been differences regarding the preferred places of consumption for each meal. The tendency to use the catering services by tourists decreased with age, the size of the place of residence, importance attached to nutrition and length of a trip, and increased with income. The main motivation for eating meals in gastronomy was its convenience and the opportunity to spend time in an attractive way; in case of self-catering it was lower costs. According to the respondents, meals eaten during trips have lower nutritional value, higher energy value, are eaten at other times, but more regularly than usual.