Medycyna Pracy (Dec 2017)

Accidental severe poisoning with methemoglobinogenic substance: A case report

  • Kinga Rośniak-Bąk,
  • Marek Bąk,
  • Renata Winnicka,
  • Anna Krakowiak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 68, no. 6
pp. 795 – 801


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A 45-year-old male patient was admitted to the Regional Poison Center because of poisoning with dimethyloaniline contained in a toxic resin-curing dimethyl aniline-based formulation ingested inadvertently. Intoxication happened at workplace. The patient was then transferred to the Toxicology Clinic, where he stayed for 3 weeks. During the hospitalization, the primary method of treatment involved administration of methylene blue, which is the antidote of choice in such cases. During the intensive care and treatment of the patient massive intravascular hemolysis was seen. In that case treatment with blood products was required. He also showed signs of liver dysfunction due to cholestatic liver damage and jaundice. The reported case shows that severe organ damage may result from poisoning with even a small amount of the toxicant. Med Pr 2017;68(6):795–801
