Cultura Física y Deportes de Guantánamo (Jan 2016)

The longed for GOAL: A challenge for the players

  • Liuben Ray-Castro,
  • Annalie Figueredo-Peña

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 10
pp. 13 – 19


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The high level football needs players with true qualifications of polyvalence, capable to act with ease and efficacy at different zones of the field. The longed for goal is one of the aspects of greater significance in a football game. If we examine the importance of the attempts in a football game, according to the opinion of the specialists in the matter we can affirm that it is the fundamental part of a game, since the fundamental objective of football game is to score goals at the contrary's door and avoiding that they score at yours, among other technical and tactical considerations. How did it go for the first category football team of Guantánamo regarding the effectiveness of the attempts? We proposed ourselves as objective: checking the level of effectiveness of the attempts of the first category football team of Guantánamo in the season 2007-2008, in order to detect and to correct the errors made and contribute to the improvement of the sports results. We used different methods and fact-finding techniques: it was used besides a scale of evaluation for determining effectiveness of the attempts from the different sides of the playground.
