IEEE Access (Jan 2024)
Novel Aczel-Alsina Power Aggregation Operators for Circular Pythagorean Fuzzy Linguistics With Application to Waste Reduction and Recycling in Green Supply Chain Management
The model of Aczel-Alsina t-norm and Aczel-Alsina t-conorm is very flexible because of the involvement of a free parameter, where the algebraic norms and Drastic norms are the special cases of the Aczel-Alsina norms. Due to this reason, they are more superior and effective than other t-norms under fuzzy set theory. The major theme of this article is to introduce the concept of circular Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic variables, which is the combination of the circular Pythagorean fuzzy sets and linguistic term sets. Further, we evaluate the algebraic operational laws and Aczel-Alsina operational laws for circular Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic variables. Moreover, we initiate the circular Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic Aczel-Alsina power averaging operator, circular Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic Aczel-Alsina power weighted averaging operator, circular Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic Aczel-Alsina power geometric operator, and circular Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic Aczel-Alsina power weighted geometric operator for t-norm and t-conorm. The ideas of idempotency, monotonicity, and boundedness are also presented for the above operators. Waste reduction and recycling are pivotal components of sustainable waste management practices, significantly contributing to minimizing environmental impacts. Various strategies are employed to achieve these goals, addressing the complex challenges of waste management effectively. In this context, we introduce a multi-attribute decision-making approach utilizing our proposed operators, designed to tackle the intricacies of waste reduction and recycling within green supply chain management. This approach aims to enhance the applicability and value of the proposed theory. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology, we provide numerical examples that evaluate and compare the proposed ranking values with existing results, highlighting the superiority and validity of the proposed approach.