Fizička Kultura (Jan 2014)

The effects of a six-week training program on motor and functional skills of female basketball players

  • Zarić Ivan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 68, no. 1
pp. 75 – 82


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The aim of the study was to determine changes in motor and functional skills of women basketball players caused by the influence of six-week training process. Six-week training process (pre-season period of the junior female national basketball team of Serbia for European Championship) lasted 43 days, involved 53 workouts and 8 matches. The subjects sample included 13 basketball players, average age 17.76 (±0.43). The first testing was conducted at the beginning of the training program and the second at the end of the program that lasted six weeks. Special tests have been used to assess the following abilities: speed, strength, agility, flexibility and endurance. The research findings show that between the arithmetic mean of initial and final testing, in almost all the tests (Sit and Reach, 10 m Sprint, 10 m Flying sprint, 20 m Sprint , T-test, Half-squat jump, YO YO intermittent test) there is a statistically significant difference (p<0.01), while in tests-Counter Movement Jump and Vertical Jump there is a positive difference that is not statistically significant.
