Здоров’я, спорт, реабілітація (Apr 2018)
Influence of a specially designed diet on state of health of students - runners on the average distances living in the conditions of Siberia
The aim of the work is to investigate the influence of products of increased nutritional value on the main signs of fatigue of students engaged in athletics. Material and methods. Research methods: analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological and special literature, pedagogical observations, questionnaire survey of students of the Siberian Federal University engaged in the athletics section with a specialization in running middle distances, before and after introducing into their diets nutrition products of increased nutritional value, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The article presents studies of the influence of products of increased nutritional value on the main signs of fatigue of students engaged in athletics. High physical loads in combination with adverse effects on the body of the environment contribute to increasing the body fatigue of athletes and reduce efficiency. Solving the problem of adverse environmental effects on the body of young people involved in sports is possible due to the inclusion in their diets of food products that contain dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. For students in athletics, cupcakes were reduced caloric content with squeezed berries cranberries (or cranberries), which is a source for their body: carbohydrates, dietary fiber, B vitamins and minerals. Respondents have the following signs of fatigue: sleep disturbance 20-25%, fatigue 20-25%, headache 35-40%, chronic diseases 5%, irritability 5%. There are no signs of fatigue in only 5-10% of respondents. Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted researches it can be concluded that the introduction of low calorie cakes with pomace into diet rations has reduced the fatigue symptoms of participants in the first group by an average of 60%. Due to the fact that, in comparison with the traditional recipes of cupcakes, the introduction of a reduced caloric content of powder from dried pomace from berries (cranberries and cranberries) into the cake recipe allows, on the one hand, to increase the content of dietary fiber in them by 5.83-6.26 %, mineral substances, and on the other hand - to reduce the caloric content of products by an average of 39.27 kcal.