Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Aug 2006)
Estenose aórtica e doença coronariana: análise dos fatores de risco Aortic stenosis and coronary disease: analysis of risk factors
OBJETIVO: Analisar aspectos clínico-laboratoriais da presença de doença coronariana em pacientes portadores de estenose aórtica e analisar a influência de fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de coronariopatia obstrutiva. MÉTODOS: Estudamos 65 pacientes portadores de estenose aórtica severa com indicação de cirurgia, com idade entre 51 a 85 anos, entre os quais havia 40 mulheres. Da realização da cinecoronariografia resultaram dois grupos: 26(40%) com coronariopatia obstrutiva e 39(60%) sem lesões em artérias coronárias. Foram analisados os antecedentes pessoais para doença coronariana (hábito de fumar, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial, antecedentes familiares, sedentarismo e alcoolismo), eletrocardiograma, ecocardiograma com Doppler e exames laboratoriais (glicemia, colesterol total e frações, triglicérides, Apo A1 e B, fibrinogênio, lipoproteina(a) e taxa fracional de remoção de triglicérides e colesterol nos dois grupos. RESULTADOS: Na análise da idade, o grupo com coronariopatia obstrutiva apresentou faixa etária mais elevada com significância estatística (pOBJECTIVE: To analyze clinical laboratorial aspects of the presence of coronary disease in patients with aortic stenosis and evaluate the influence of risk factors in the development of obstructive coronary disease. METHODS: We studied 65 patients who had severe aortic stenosis with an indication for surgery, ages 51 to 85 years, 40 of them women. The coronary angiography assessment resulted in two groups: 26 (40%) with obstructive coronary disease and 39 (60%) with no coronary artery lesion. Personal antecedents for coronary disease (smoking, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, family antecedents, sedentarism, and alcoholism) were analyzed. Additionally, the following assessments were made: electrocardiogram, echocardiogram with Doppler, and laboratory tests (blood glucose, total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, Apo-A1 and B, fibrinogen, lipoprotein (a) and fraction of triglycerides and cholesterol removal in both groups. RESULTS: In the age analysis, the group with obstructive coronary disease belonged to an older age range with statistical significance (p<0.0001). Signs of ischemia of the anterior wall identified on the electrocardiogram showed a significant relationship with the obstruction of an anterior interventricular artery (p<0.002). The univariate analysis showed a significant difference between the groups regarding averages of the aortic (p= 0.041), HDL (p=0.042), and fibrinogen (p=0.047) gradients. The group with coronary disease presented an average gradient and HDL level lower than the group without obstructive coronary disease. For the fibrinogen variable, the average in the group with no coronary disease was lower compared to that of the coronariopathy group. The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed fibrinogen levels as an independent variable for coronary disease (p<0.039). CONCLUSION: Fibrinogen was an independent risk factor for the association between obstructive coronary disease and aortic stenosis.