Механика машин, механизмов и материалов (Jun 2023)
Study of Application Process of Damping Coatings Made of Polymers and Metals
The processes of obtaining damping polymeric coatings (gas-flame spraying of powders) and composite metal coatings (deformation cladding with a flexible tool) are studied. It is established that coatings applied by the gas-flame method with thermoplastic polymer powders provide a sufficiently high damping efficiency, while the best dissipative characteristics are provided when sprayed with polyethylene terephthalate powder. The maximum adhesion strength (10.5–10.7 MPa) for normal separation of coatings applied with polyethylene terephthalate powder is achieved when using a combustible mixture with a propane/air ratio of 1:26 and subsequent cooling at a rate of no more than 3 deg/s. Based on the results of tribotechnical tests, the composition of sintered bronze-graphite was selected for applying noise-absorbing coatings by the deformation cladding method. The study of the influence of regime parameters of the cladding process on the thickness and continuity of the formed coating layer of bronze-graphite showed that the ratio of the linear speed of movement of the workpiece and the linear speed of rotation of the brush should be within 0.23–0.27, the interference value N — in the range of 0.8–1.5 mm with the number of passes n = 8–12. The microhardness of the clad layer was H0,049 = 1,700 MPa, which exceeded the microhardness of the donor material by 25 %.