Zdorovʹe Rebenka (Feb 2016)
Association of Gene Variations POMP, FLG, MTOR and ATG5 gene with the Risk of Asthma in Children
The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the proteasome maturation protein gene (POMP), filaggrin gene (FLG), mammalian target of rapamycin gene (MTOR) and autophagy gene (ATG5) and the development of asthma in children. Methods: clinical, genetic — determining the genotype of patients and healthy children using real-time polymerase chain reaction; statistical ones. Results. It was found that the distribution of genotypes in the studied groups was significantly different when analysing polymorphism in POMP gene: GG variant was detected in 9 healthy children and was absent in ill people, 32 patients and 37 healthy children had AG variant, 62 and 52 — allelic AA variant, while minor variant wasn’t detected in patients with asthma at all (p < 0.05 by the χ2 criterion). Variants with the minor genotype of the FLG were found to be 2.5 times more frequent among patients than in control group: 5 patients and 2 healthy children had allelic variant AA, 27 and 36 — heterozygous variant GA, 67 and 61 — GG. Variants with minor genotype in MTOR gene were 2.4 times more often in the control group than in patients: 50 patients and 43 healthy children had major allelic variant TT, 36 patients and 32 healthy children had TC variant, 5 and 12 — CC variant. There was found a statistically significant difference in the distribution of genotypes of polymorphism in ATG5 gene: 51 patients and 43 healthy children were heterozygous (CT), 29 and 21 — had minor variant TT, 18 and 33 — major variant CC (p < 0.05 by the χ2). Minor polymorphism of ATG5 gene was associated with increased risk of early manifestation of the asthma (up to 3 years of life) (p < 0.05 by χ2). MDR-analysis has showed that polymorphism in ATG5 gene was the strongest predictor of asthma as it reduced entropy level by 7.88 %. Polymorphism in the POMP gene reduces entropy level by 5.21 %, polymorphism in the MTOR gene — by 1.18 %, polymorphism in the FLG gene — by 1.04 %. Conclusions. These polymorphisms may serve as prognostic markers for the development of asthma in children.