MedEdPORTAL (Nov 2015)
Who Are the Underserved?
Abstract Introduction This session was created from an online learning module for medical students who choose to participate in the Underserved Pathway (UP) at the University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM). The UP provides an optional supplement to the standard medical school training, with its own set of requirements students must complete to graduate from this program and receive the UP Certificate of Completion. Methods Through the use of handouts and a PowerPoint presentation, this session is intended to get students on the same page with regard to understanding which segments of the population are included in the label underserved, and to give them a common language to use when learning about, and working with, underserved patients. Two cases are also presented, and students work through these in small groups. Information on factors associated with poor access to health care services is also included, along with some ways that the health of underserved communities can be improved. Results First-year medical students were surveyed postimplementation. To the question of: “How effective was this module at conveying information?” 42% indicated it was moderately effective, and 56% indicated it was either very effective or extremely effective. To the question: “How likely is this module to impact your future work?” 38% indicated it was moderately likely, and 39% indicated very likely or extremely likely. Discussion Although this session initially was designed to go beyond the standard curriculum, UWSOM has launched a new curriculum in 2015 and many aspects of this session are now incorporated into the standard curriculum for all students. This session could be offered in the preclinical or clinical curriculum or as an extracurricular session for students desiring more knowledge about this topic.