Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian dan Biosistem (Sep 2017)
UJI KINERJA DAN ANALISIS EKONOMI MESIN PENGUPAS BAWANG MERAH (MPB TEP-0315) [Test Performance and Economical Analysis of Shallot Skin Sheller Machine (MBP TEP-0315)]
The vacuum-pneumatic type of the modified shallot skin sheller (MPB TEP-0315) has to be specified its technical and economical feasibility. An explanatory descriptive analysis has been employed to observe, measure, and re-account the details. Results from performance test showed that its theoretical and actual capacities were 52.48 kg/h and 31.24 kg/h, respectively at a machine efficiency of 59.60 percent at a required power (for compressor and decompressor) of 2092.6 W and at a shelling yield of 70.20 percent. The average level of noissiness was 69.25 dBA. Whilst the average machine vibration with or without load were 0.67 mm/s and 1.67 mm/s, respectively. Based on economic analysis this shelling business would be reasonable at a net present value (NPV) of Rp 30.618.320,- at an internal rate of return (IRR) of 68.83%, where the benefit cost ratio (BCR) would be 1.20. While the pay back period (PBP) would be reached in the 2nd year of investation. Keywords: economic analysis, shelling machine, performance test ABSTRAK Mesin pengupas kulit bawang Tipe Vakum-Pneumatik (MPB TEP-0315) hasil modifikasi perlu dideskripsikan spesifikasi dan kelayakan ekonominya. Metode analisis deskriptif eksplanatori digunakan untuk mengamati mengukur, dan menghitung kinerja mesin serta kinerja ekonomi. Hasil uji kinerja menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas teoritis dan aktual mesin berturut-turut adalah 14,57 g/detik, dan 8,67 g/detik dengan efisiensi mesin 59,60%, dan pada kebutuhan daya (untuk kompresor dan dekompresor) 2092,6 W rendemen pengupasan 70,20%. Tingkat kebisingan mesin rata-rata 69,25 dBA. Sementara getaran mesin rata-rata dengan dan tanpa beban beruturut-turut adalah 0,67 mm/s dan 1,67 mm/s. Berdasarkan analisis ekonomi usaha pengupasan bawang merah memenuhi syarat pada nilai bersih sekarang (net present value, NPV) Rp 30.618.320,- , laju pengembalian modal (internal rate of return, IRR) 68,83%, rasio laba-biaya (benefit cost ratio, BCR) 1,20. Sedangkan periode pengembalian modal (pay back period, PBP) investasi tercapai pada tahun ke-2. Kata kunci: analisis ekonomi, mesin pengupas, uji kinerja