BioTechniques (Jul 2018)
Microgels and apparatus for PAGE of nucleic acids in one or two dimensions
We describe a system for horizontal 1D or 2D PAGE comprising an apparatus and microgels. There is no buffer outside the gel, making handling and sample loading easy. Specially designed electrodes on all four sides allow 2D electrophoresis without gel rotation. Electrophoresis is completed within 20 min and sensitivity is in the subnanogram range. The system is temperature controlled for speed, denaturation of nucleic acid molecules and maintaining molecules single-stranded. The system allows characterization of structure, conformation and damage in complex nucleic acid preparations. Besides quick 1D PAGE, 2D applications include characterization of efficiency of complex molecular procedures, checking quality of biosamples and detecting DNA damage in cells and body fluids. The system should also run protein gels.