Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação (Apr 2016)
Modernity, descoloniality and popular education: perspectives of Paulo Freire's pedagogy of hope
This paper inserts itself on the debate about the Descolonial reflection, which has been carrying out a fundamental epistemological movement for a critical and utopic renovation of social sciences in Latin America in the twentieth-first century. This scenario composes the context which includes Popular Education as a pedagogical proposal in the twentieth century as opposed to the processes of domination inaugurated in Latin America from its 'discovery'. The contemporaneity of Paulo Freire thought as an epistemological reference for the construction of a liberating praxis and its articulation with the Descolonial reflection will be our analysis axis so as to promote a dialogue between them in order to seek a conection between their educational proposals / policies / organizational empowerment in the Eurocentric mirror.