Tropicultura (Jan 2018)
Analyses agro-économique des technologies de maintien et d'amélioration de la fertilité des sols dans la zone cotonnière de Dano, Burkina Faso
Agro-economic Analyses of Maintenance and Improvement of Soil Fertility in the Cotton Area of Dano, Burkina Faso. The study has been conducted in three villages (Wallala, Sorkon and Gnigwaman) from the district of Ioba (administrative centre of Dano) in Southwest Burkina Faso. The objective was to assess the agro-economic impact of activities to maintain and improve soil fertility in Dano. A total of sixty producers was surveyed in the villages of Wallala (20 producers), Sorkon (20 producers) and Gnigwaman (20 producers). Some measures of productivity have been made on the fields with stone rows plus organic fertilizer application (SR+OF App), simple stone row (SSR), organic fertilizer application (OF App) and control (field without fertility technic). The results show that composting is the best adopted technique by respectively 60%, 50% and 20% of the producers in Wallala, Sorkon and Gnigwaman villages. Many constraints linked to these technics (high cost of realization, demand of time, non-perceptible immediate effect) hinder their adoption by a large number of producers. The highest yields (768 kg/ha) are noted in the converted field into stone rows with nutritive element (SR+ nutritive elements) versus 453 kg/ha for the control fields. The results on the income show that the latter improved at the level of exploitation that adopted the proposed technics compared to the control plots. The highest gross margin (160,450 CFA) is obtained by producers who have converted fields with stone rows (SR) with Organic Fertilizer (OF). The impact of the technologies on the level of soils chemical fertility remains insignificant. For producers, training and availability of technologies that are less restrictive and adapted to their condition of production are compulsory for a good soil fertility management.