Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2016)
Romanian Media Industry – A Look Back at Responses to Crises and Disruptive Changes
The media industry is generally a cyclical industry and reacts the fastest to an economicdownturn: when everything goes well the industry flourishes, while when things turn bad theindustry loses jobs very fast. During the recent economic and financial crisis the Romanian mediaindustry was severely hit but somehow managed to survive by embracing new technologies. The so-called new media is already present in Romania, while the penetration of newtechnologies on the local market has still room for progress since the country is at the bottom of allrelated rankings in the European Union. The current paper looks to present the evolution of the Romanian press in the years post-crisisand makes the correlation with the advances in technology made by the telecommunications sector,showing that the media market has adapted very well to disruptive changes and could attract inthis evolution the whole Romanian society.