پژوهش در دین و سلامت (Apr 2016)
The association between God image and life satisfaction in Shiraz University students
For downloading the full-text of this article please click here. Background and Objectives: Life satisfaction is one of the important aspects of quality of life. Image of God can be a determinant role on perspective of one to his life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the God image and life satisfaction. Materials and Methods: For this purpose 125 students of Shiraz University were selected using cluster sampling. The tools that used in this study were Lawrence God image scale (1997) (Sadeghi, 1387) and Dinner life satisfaction questionnaires(1985). Results: It showed a positive correlation between life satisfaction and perception of God. Also the findings show that the influence, Providence, and the challenge components, have significant relationship with life satisfaction variable, and receptivity and compassion variables did not show a significant relationship with the variable of life satisfaction. Conclusion: These results show the image of God can determine one's views about various aspects of life and what role does the God plays in the events that happen to a person, can affect the person's life satisfaction (his assessment about events of life).So a person can ascribe these beings and ought to be to God, and Equally shape positive or negative Image of God. Keywords: God image, life satisfaction, students For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.