Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Oct 2004)

Modelo experimental para endometriose em coelhas com seguimento evolutivo das lesões Experimental endometriosis model in rabbits with follow-up of the lesions

  • Julio César Rosa e Silva,
  • Ana Carolina Japur de Sá Rosa e Silva,
  • Pedro Soler Coltro,
  • Sérgio Britto Garcia,
  • Francisco Cândido dos Reis,
  • Antônio Alberto Nogueira

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 9
pp. 715 – 719


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OBJETIVOS: desenvolvimento de modelo experimental de endometriose em coelhas avaliando a evolução temporal da doença macro e microscopicamente. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas 30 coelhas nas quais induziu-se lesão de endometriose por fixação de fragmento do corno uterino no peritônio da parede pélvica. Após 4 ou 8 semanas verificou-se a viabilidade da lesão por laparoscopia. Foi documentado o aspecto visual endoscópico e feita avaliação anatomopatológica. Os grupos foram comparados quanto à presença de lesão visual à laparoscopia, seu maior diâmetro, presença de aderências e histologia da mesma. Na análise estatística foram utilizados os testes t de Student e de Mann-Whitney, com significância estatística de 5%. RESULTADOS: em todos os casos foi identificada a presença de lesão visual à laparoscopia após 4 semanas, sendo 64% císticas, e em 80% dos casos após 8 semanas, 66% císticas. As aderências estavam presentes em 71% das coelhas após 4 semanas (sendo ausentes nos implantes) e em 80% das coelhas após 8 semanas (13% nos implantes). O diâmetro das lesões após 8 semanas de implante foi maior que após 4 semanas (pPURPOSE: development of a new experimental model of endometriosis induction in rabbits evaluating its temporal evolution both macro-and microscopically. METHODS: thirty female rabbits were submitted to endometriosis induction through the fixation of a piece of the left uterine horn to the abdominal peritoneum. After four or eight weeks the viability of the lesions was verified by laparoscopy. The lesions were observed endoscopically. The implants were measured and histological analyses were made. The groups were compared for the presence of endometriotic lesion on laparoscopy, presence of adhesions, implant size and histological aspects. For statistical analyses we utilized Student's t and Mann-Whitney's tests, with a statistical significance of 5%. RESULTS: endometriotic lesions were identified in all cases submitted to laparoscopy after 4 weeks of induction, 64% of them cystic, and in 80% of the rabbits after eight weeks, 66% of which cystic. The adhesions were present in 71% of the rabbits after 4 weeks (none in the implants) and in 80% of the rabbits after 8 weeks (13% in the implants). The lesions were significantly larger after 8 weeks (p<0,0001). The histological analyses showed 100% of endometrial tissue in both groups. CONCLUSION: this experimental model showed that it is possible to simulate endometriosis in rabbits with a viable and simple technique, also allowing to record the characteristics and development of the implants macro-and microscopically. Although the histological aspects were similar, the lesions after eight weeks were larger than after four, making their manipulation easier.
