BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)

Taxonomic analysis of Pomir’s bryoflora

  • Boborajabov Bobokhon

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38
p. 00015


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The bryoflora of the Pamirs includes 209 species of bryophytes: 12 marshans, 2 sphagnum and 195 true mosses and 12 varieties, which are representatives of 89 genera, 38 families, 18 orders, 6 classes, 2 divisions - Marshantiophyta and Bryophyta. For the first time, 78 species are given for the bryoflora of the Pamirs, for Tajikistan - 17 species, of which 13 are new for the bryoflora of Central Asia.The leading families in terms of the number of species are Pottiaceae - 57, Bryaceae -36, Amblystegiaceae - 26, Grimmiaceae - 12, Brachytheciaceae - 8, Mniaceae - 6, Dicranaceae, Encalyptaceae 5 species each, Fissidentaceae and Funariaceae 4 species each. The ten leading families contain 163 species, which is 78.0% of the bryoflora of the Pamirs.