Cauchy: Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi (May 2016)
The Application of Quadratic Bezier Curve on Rotational and Symmetrical Lampshade
The procedure of constructing lampshade is through parameter merger and selection of Bezier surfaces shapeshifters; thus it producesperfect and varied sitting-lampshades.Constructing sitting-lamp shades requires the study of the physical (lighting) and geometryaspects. In terms of geometry, the existed sitting-lampshade creation models is generally monotonous and constructed from objects pieces. In line with these problems, this research is divided into four stages:First, preparing the data to build a sitting-lampshade. Second, technical studying to construct the symmetricity of the sitting-lamp shade shape.Third, constructing the parts of the sitting-lampshade, namely the base, the main part, the roof. Fourth, constructingthe complete sitting-lampshade. The results of this research to obtain the procedures of constructing the sitting-lampshade namely: First, dividing the major axis into three non-homogeneous sub segments.Second, constructing parts of the sitting-lampshade namely the base, the main part, and the roof by combining the sitting-lamp shade components from the geometrical objects deformation.Third, filling each sub segment of non-homogeneous parts with parts of the lampshade and creating the boundary curvesproducing a varied innovative symmetricalmodels of sitting-lampshade.