Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (Dec 2001)
Maturação, composição corporal e aptidão cardiorrespiratória em crianças e adolescentes na área do grande Porto, Portugal Maturation, body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in children and adolescents in the metropolitan area of Porto, Portugal
OBJETIVOS: determinar, em escolares portugueses de oito a 16 anos (256 do sexo masculino e 268 do sexo feminino): os padrões de mudanças na composição corporal e no VO2máx; a relação entre o percentual de massa gorda (%MG), índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o somatório de dobras de adiposidade subcutânea (SSKF) com o VO2máx; a percentagem de obesos. MÉTODOS: o percentual de massa gorda foi estimado do SSKF (subescapular e tricipital). A amostra foi subdividida em estágios maturacionais de Tanner. A aptidão cardiorrespiratória foi avaliada através do teste Shutlle-run de 20 metros. RESULTADOS: as variáveis antropométricas e o percentual de massa gorda estiveram de acordo com dados já publicados. Os rapazes apresentaram VO2máx mais elevado (p OBJECTIVES: to determine in Portuguese students (n = 256 boys and n = 268 girls) between eight and 16 years old: the patterns of changes in body composition and VO2max related to the maturation process; the relationship between fat mass percentage (%FM), body mass index (BMI), the sum of skin folds (SSKF) and VO2max; the percentage of obese students. METHODS: body fatness was estimated from SSKF (subscapular and tricipital), and the distribution pattern obtained from the ratio between subscapular and tricipital skin fold thickness. Children were subdivided into maturation stages according to Tanner's staging for sexual maturity. VO2max was assessed by maximal multistage 20-meters Shuttle-run Test. RESULTS: anthropometric variables and fat mass percentage were consistent with earlier published studies. Boys presented significantly higher values (p < 0,05) to VO2max than girls in most stages. Negative, moderate and significant correlation (p < 0,05) were obtained between fat mass percentage and VO2max for both sexes in all maturation stages. Analysis of the three obesity indicators (BMI, FM percentage e SSKF), 11,2% of the boys and 14,3% of the girls demonstrated values higher than the normative data. CONCLUSIONS: normal growth standards were verified for both sexes. Children with lower VO2max had a higher percentage of fat mass. Both sexes presented values suggestive of excessive body fat in the beginning of adolescence.