Зерновое хозяйство России (May 2018)
Селекционно-генетическая оценка гибридов озимой твердой пшеницы на качество клейковины
The breeding and genetic assessment of winter durum wheat hybrids on gluten quality The improvement of grain quality is one of the principle directions in winter durum wheat breeding, as the present automated pasta producers need raw material with qualitative and strong gluten. The breeding process will be successful if the estimation of qualitative traits is known at the early stages. It would be an important criterion of selection while sorting out the breeding material and it would reduce the amount of work at the further stages of breeding. In our study for that purpose we have used a method of SDS-sedimentation, which is widely applied for the breeding work with spring and winter soft wheat. Thus the main purpose of the researches was to study variability and heritability of gluten quality in the hybrid populations F2-F4 of winter durum wheat by SDS-test. It has been done to determine the generation and the possibility to use it as a criterion of selection on quality and as a criterion on selection of parental pairs for hybridization. There have been studied 14 hybrid populations obtained by the crossing of varieties with contrast and similar SDS-indexes. They are the variety ‘Kurant’ with super-strong gluten (SDS of 40 ml and more), the variety ‘Terra’ with strong gluten (SDS of 35-39 ml), the varieties ‘Zolotko’ and ‘Aksinit’ with average gluten (SDS of 30-34 ml), the varieties ‘Kremona’ and ‘Gelios’ with weak gluten (SDS of less than 30 ml). The study of winter durum wheat sown in a green-manured fallow land was carried out in the FSDSI ARC ‘Donskoy’s laboratory in 2012-2014. It has been established that according to the amount of SDS-sedimentation the hybrids took an intermediate position among the parental forms with a shift to the best parent. The most hybrids had average indexes of the trait in the limits of parental variability. The SDS-sedimentation is a slightly variable trait. The coefficient of the variability was about 5-10%. It has been shown that genotypically controlled variability of SDS-sedimentation (H2) in the generation F2 was about zero, F3 and F4 hybrids possessed larger and more stable SDS-sedimentation in dependence on hybrid combinations, therefore it’s better to start selection of qualitative genotypes with F3. The degree and, especially, the frequency of transgressions in the generations of major winter durum wheat hybrids are small or absent in relation to parental forms with a higher value. However, it becomes possible to select qualitative progenies at the level of the average sedimentation value of the best parent or with the sedimentation value of more than 35 mm. We should exclude the use of two low-qualitative varieties or average varieties with low-quality in winter durum wheat hybridization on high quality.