BMC Pediatrics (Jan 2019)
Sail sign in neonatal pneumomediastinum: a case report
Abstract Background Pneumomediastinum is an uncommon cause of neonatal respiratory distress. Clinical history and examination of the neonate may be uninformative in determining the aetiology of the respiratory distress. Chest x-ray can be diagnostic of pneumomediastinum however is often difficult to interpret. Case presentation A 36 week gestation newborn was delivered by emergency caesarean section, intubated and given intermittent positive pressure ventilation via Neopuff™ for apnoea before being extubated to CPAP. Chest radiography initially showed bilateral upper zone opacities, presenting a diagnostic dilemma; however subsequent films demonstrated a pneumomediastinum which was managed conservatively and resolved. Conclusions The “sail sign” describes an uncommon radiological appearance of a pneumomediastinum in neonates and infants. With careful conservative management, a spontaneous resolution without longterm sequelae can be expected.