Revista de Políticas Públicas (Jan 2012)

EDUCAÇÃO AMBIENTAL E RESPONSABILIDADE SOCIAL: transformação ou reprodução da realidade socioambienlal?

  • Leonardo Kaplan,
  • Mônica Armond Serrão,
  • Rodrigo Lamosa


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This paper analyzes critically the discourse on corporate social responsibility, showing that this principie serves the sociability ofthe proposed policy ofuThird Way" which takes on environmental education, in particular, an important instrument to promote its ideas of sustainability, based on emptying institutions and public policies disregarding the conflicts and c1ass struggle. It begins with a theoretical explanation ofthe "Third Wat, advances the criticai discourse analysis of the Ethos Institute, ABNT NBR ISO 26000 and papers on social responsibility of the BNDES, in order to, afterwards, show how this logic applies to environmental education projects in the schools of Teresópolisl RJ. Finally, it is argued that with this kind of ideology and practice, the sociability of the uThird Way" brings no contribution to social transfarmation processes, reproducing expropriating anddestructive social relations of work and nature, under the liberal aegis and capital domain.
