Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión (Jun 2006)
Educational Gaps in Higher Education: Analysis of the case of the Engineering Careers
The environment in which university institutions develop their activities is showing some weaknesses in the training provided to their graduates. One of the notable weaknesses is the failure to match the competencies empowered in students by universities and the competencies demanded by business organisations. In view of this situation, this article endeavours to analyse the state of the art in our country, thereby using the case of engineers as an example. Therefore, the opinions stated by a group of employers in a questionnaire are analysed. The results obtained show that, in the analysed case, the educational offer of universities, measured through various competencies, does not comply with business demands. Thus, a deficit situation is detected in all the analysed competencies, which have been grouped together into four categories: Those contained in the Major of Study, Social Skills, Methodological Skills and Participation Competencies. This situation should cause universities to restate the educational offer that they are providing.