Sestrinska reč (Jan 2018)
Air pollution as a risk factor for the health of the population of the City of Kragujevac
Introduction: The air pollution is always a popular topic, especially in the cities in which numerous sources of pollution can be found in small places: energy sources, the traffic and industry, so the primary pollutants can be found in the air: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, particles of the soot, as well as specific pollutants depending on the industry processes happening in the given area. The contents of pollutants in the atmosphere vary depending on the season, thus the concentrations of soot and sulfur dioxide are increased during the winter. The aim of this paper: The aim of this paper is to analyze the concentration of pollutants present in the air as a risk factor for human health. Method: In Kragujevac Public Health Institute the concentrations of primary and likewise of specific pollutants are being measured throughout the year. In the city centre (Stafeta monument) the following parameters were followed: SO2, NO2, ground-level ozone, benzene, soot, the total sedimentary matter, heavy metals in the sedimentary matter (Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn). Results: During the 2017 the measured values of SO2 were <3 μg/m3, which is less than the legally permitted limit of 125 μg/m3. The average annual value of the NO2 concentration was 24 μg/m3, therefore less than the legally permitted of 85 μg/m3. During the 2017 the concentration of soot was above the limit of 50 μg/m3 for 5 days, whereby the average annual value was 17 μg/m3. The limiting value for benzene is 5 μg/m3, and in the measuring point in Kragujevac there was not a day when the benzene concentration was higher than the permitted one. Conclusion: During the 2017 the air pollution was registered in Kragujevac, primarily with the black index smoke. The increased values are mainly part of the influence of the traffic, and also of the high energy use, and in fact the use of the bad quality coal.