Toxicology Reports (Jan 2014)
In vitro pepsin resistance of proteins: Effect of non-reduced SDS-PAGE analysis on fragment observation
The introduction of novel proteins to food products carries with it the need to assess the potential allergenicity of such materials. Resistance to in vitro pepsin digestion is one parameter considered in such a risk assessment using a weight of evidence approach; however, the methodology used to investigate this has not been fully standardised. In vitro pepsin resistance assays typically involve SDS-PAGE performed under reducing conditions, with limited published data available on the assay using non-reducing conditions despite the need to consider non-reducing analysis techniques having been highlighted by regulatory bodies such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The purpose of the work reported here was to investigate the applicability of (and additional insight provided by) non-reducing analyses, by digesting a set of proteins using a ring-trial validated method, with analysis by SDS-PAGE under both reducing and non-reducing conditions. In silico prediction of digest fragments was also investigated. Significant differences were observed between results under reduced and non-reduced conditions for proteins in which disulphide bonds have a major role in protein structure, such as ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase (RUBISCO) and bovine serum albumin. For proteins with no or few disulphide bonds, no significant differences were seen in the results. Structural information such as disulphide bond numbers and positions should be considered during experimental design, as a non-reduced approach may be appropriate for some proteins. The in silico approach was a useful tool to suggest potential digest fragments, however the predictions were not always confirmed in vitro and should be considered a guide only.