In the era of inclusive education, students with attention deficits are integrated into the general classroom. To ensure a seamless transition of students’ focus towards the teacher’s instruction throughout the course and to align with the teaching pace, this paper proposes a continuous recognition algorithm for capturing teachers’ dynamic gesture signals. This algorithm aims to offer instructional attention cues for students with attention deficits. According to the body landmarks of the teacher’s skeleton by using vision and machine learning-based MediaPipe BlazePose, the proposed method uses simple rules to detect the teacher’s hand signals dynamically and provides three kinds of attention cues (Pointing to left, Pointing to right, and Non-pointing) during the class. Experimental results show the average accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and F1 score achieved 88.31%, 91.03%, 93.99%, 86.32%, and 88.03%, respectively. By analyzing non-verbal behavior, our method of competent performance can replace verbal reminders from the teacher and be helpful for students with attention deficits in inclusive education.