Escola Anna Nery (Sep 2017)
Social rights of children with chronic conditions: a critical analysis of brazilian public policies
Abstract Objective: To analyze the current Brazilian public policies that guarantees the social rights of children with chronic conditions, in the areas of health, social assistance and education. Method: Documentary research of laws that shape policies related to the attention to children with chronic illness and people with disabilities in the areas of human rights, health, social assistance and education. A critical analysis of the discourse of three selected legislations was carried out. Results: Children with chronic conditions are covered by legislation for the representation of children with chronic diseases or disabilities. There are discourses of the social model of disability, of children and people with disabilities as subjects of rights, of the state's responsibility in relation to the guarantee of social rights and the co-responsibility of the family. Discourses associated with the ideology of human rights in conflict with the ideology of normalization were evidenced. Conclusion: The actions defined for this group are incipient and with signs of restricting financing, revealing ideological struggles.