BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)

L’œnotourisme au service des IG

  • Huysmans Anaïs

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 56
p. 03008


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Wine exports from Provence have grown by over 30% in ten years. In response to the pandemic, the constituent appellations of this region1 have adapted to the closure of consumer frontiers. The expansion of local consumption through œnotourism in the locality of the viticultural terroir provides an element of resilience through which the industry can pursue its ambitions. In order to sustain performance, territorial promotion needs to coexist with geographical indications (GIs), and to permit the exploitation of expertise associated with the latter. While the wines of Provence are the only viticultural beverages which are permitted, under the terms of French and EU legislation, to be designated by the distinctive term « Provence »2, their constituent appellations fall within a broader administrative territory, under the name of the Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur Region (PACA).